The closest airports are Limoges and Brive, which are 50 minutes by car, Bergerac 1hr 30m, Bordeaux 2hrs and Toulouse 3hrs. There are several trains per day from Paris to Limoges (approx 3hrs), or connecting flights from Paris to Limoges. Local trains connect Limoges with Saint Yrieix (12 minutes from the Chateau).
Swimming pool, tennis court, football field and table tennis on the property. Plenty of activities nearby – a golf course is 7 minutes away, and a lake with a sand beach, water skiing and canoeing 8 minutes drive away. There are many medieval villages, Chateaux and local markets to be explored. The Perigord is also famous for its gourmet food, prehistoric caves/sites and its beautiful landscape.
Lanouaille (24270) is the local village. In the centre of the village please take Rue La Durantie, located next to the Casino supermarket. Follow Rue La Durantie for 1.5 km and on your left you can see trees of the park and a long stone wall. The entrance gate is to your left, soon after the stone building. Please do not confuse us with Domaine Plaisance (they have a sign La Vieux Durantie).
Lanouaille has a supermarket, two bakeries, a butcher, pharmacy, doctor, further shops, a tourism office, two restaurants and a Pizzeria/Bar. Several bigger towns within a 12 minute drive provide excellent shopping / restaurants.